Introducing Medical AI
in Infectious Diseases

Pre-APACC Workshop June 26, 2024

Registration will close on June 6, 2024

Workshop Highlights

  • Overview of medical Al and how it is transforming infectious disease managment
  • Ethical and regulatory considerations in Medical Al
  • Al for STI risk assessment
  • Al powered Image Recognion for STI lesions
  • Hands-on experience building basic Al models for text and image analysis
Nyi Nyi
Phyu Mon

Professor Lei Zhang

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

He is a health economist and medical Al specialist. He has been leading the development of medical Al to improve early diagnosis of STIs. He developed the first machine-learning model for assessing the risk of HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Australia. He led the development of Image Capture and diagnosis tools (e.g. AISTI) for common STI lesions.

Nyi Nyi

Nyi Nyi Soe

Ph.D. Candidate

He has developed machine learning and deep learning models for identying STI and other dermatological conditions. Currently, he is working on an Image Capture App for clinical assistance in diagnosis and an AISTI App for community-based early STI detection.

Phyu Mon

Phyu Mon Latt

Ph.D. Candidate

She developed MySTIRisk, a web and Al- based risk-assessment tool that provides personalised risk for HIV and STIs. She also investigated the epidemiological patterns and disparities of HIV/STIs among different populations using MySTIRisk.

Registration will close
on June 6, 2024

See you at the workshop!
Food will be provided at no cost!

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

An online Zoom session is also available

Date and Time
June 26, 2024 From 9 am- 3 pm


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