
We connect experts and organise workshops three monthly to provide guidance for investigators who are interested in crowdsourcing, discrete choice experiments, and relevant trials

HOPE network x SIHI webinar

on implementing designathons to develop PrEP for HIV solutions in multiple countries to end HIV transmission in East Asia

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5th HOPE Workshop: Medical Artificial Intelligence in Infectious Diseases
5th HOPE Workshop: Medical Artificial Intelligence in Infectious Diseases

There is growing interest in how to better measure and integrate end-user preferences into the design and delivery of health-related interventions and programs.

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4th HOPE Workshop: Discrete Choice Experiment in Health Research

There is growing interest in how to better measure and integrate end-user preferences into the design and delivery of health-related interventions and programs.

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3rd HOPE network meeting & Designathon workshop

A designathon is a multi-stage process that includes an open call for people and ideas, an intensive period of group collaboration, and a period of implementation or other follow-ups.

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2nd HOPE network meeting & Crowdsourcing workshop

You will learn how to organise steering committee, set rules/materials and reach a wider audience

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1st HOPE network meeting & Crowdsoucing workshop

You will learn what and why is crowdsourcing and how to deliver it in your own context.

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Other resources
WordPress Lightbox