Panggilan Terbuka untuk Mengajukan Ide
Untuk Memberhentikan Transmisi HIV di Australia


Ekspresikan ide-idemu melalui sebuah kontes untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan penggunaan PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) di antara komunitas gay, bisexual, dan lelaki yang berhubungan seks dengan sesama lelaki (GBMSM atau GBLSL) yang lahir dan berasal dari Asia dan tiba di Australia dalam waktu 5 tahun terakhir.  Ide – idemu akan digunakan untuk memberhentikan transmisi HIV di Australia.

Transmisi HIV diantara komunitas GBMSM yang berasal dari Asia dan tiba di Australia di dalam waktu 5 tahun terakhir sedang melonjak. Kami mengundang anda untuk memberikan solusi yang kreatif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan penggunaan PrEP di antara komunitas ini.

Dengan berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini, Anda juga akan diundang ke lokakarya pengembangan kapasitas kami dan bertemu dengan tim peneliti kami dan komunitas lokal.

Cara untuk berpartisipasi sangatlah mudah:

  • Memberikan ide dalam bentuk teks atau tulisan, maksimum 500 kata. Atau, meberikan rekaman audio atau video yang sepanjang maksimum 3 menit. Atau, membuat poster grafis sebesar A1. Ide – idemu dapat diberikan dalam salah satu bahasa berikut: Inggris, Tiongkok, Thailand, Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi, Punjabi, Vietnam, atau Filipina/Tagalog. Formulir Pendaftaran terlampir Bersama email ini.
  • Untuk mengajukan ide anda, klik disini. Pengajuan dibuka sampai tanggal 30 September 2022, jam 11.59 malam Waktu Standar Australia Timur.
  • Tidak ada batasan berapa ide yang dapat diajukan.
  • Anda dapat bekerja dalam satu tim, tetapi hanya satu orang dari tim anda yang dapat memasuki kontes ini.

* Ide – ide yang diajukan akan dinilai oleh anggota juri yang terdiri dari spesialis HIV, peniliti HIV, dan anggota komunitas GBMSM (atau GBLSL) yang mempunyai pengalaman menggunakan PrEP. Para finalis akan diumumkan di bulan September.


A maximum of 500-words
describing your idea(s)

An A1 poster
describing your idea(s)

A 3-minute video file

A 3-minute audio file

Dengan mengikuti kontes ini, anda mempunyai kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah sebesar:

AU$500 (hadiah pertama)
AU$250 (hadiah kedua)
AU$125 (untuk hadiah ketiga dan keempat)


Jika idemu dipilih oleh para juri, kamu akan diberikan kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dengan kita untuk membuat paket solusi yang dapat digunakan di antara komunitas GBMSM. Idemu juga akan diterbitkan di laman – laman mitra penilitian HOPE.

Kriteria Penjurian:

  • Ide yang jelas: ide yang diajukan terorganisir dengan baik, dengan presentasi yang jelas dan mengkomunikasikan solusi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan penggunaan PrEP di antara komunitas GBMSM.
  • Ide yang praktis: ide yang diajukan akan mudah untuk diimplementasi dan akan diterima dengan baik oleh komunitas GBMSM.
  • Ide yang kreatif: ide yang diajukan adalah ide yang baru dan unik yang belum pernah diimplementasi di tempat lain.
  • Mempunyai dampak yang berarti: ide yang diajukan sesuai dengan budaya dan identitas komunitas GBMSM yang berasal dari Asia, dan mempunyai potensi yang tinggi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan penggunaan PrEP di antara komunitas GBMSM yang berasal dari Asia dan berada di Australia.


Untuk informasi yang lebih jelas, kunjungi laman atau klik disini.

Panggilan terbuka ini dipimpin oleh Dr Jason Ong, peniliti dan dokter spesialis dari Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, dan didanai oleh the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.


Who can participate in this open call?

We support gender equity. We accept all the submissions from everyone who is over 18 years old, regardless of your gender.

What kind of research is this open call interested in?

This research study aims to identify community-derived solutions for optimising PrEP adherence among Newly-arrived Asian-born GBMSM.

Who is organizing or supporting this open call?

This open call is organized by Dr. Jason Ong, a researcher and doctor at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and funded by National Health and Medical Research Council.


This contest is part of HOPE network which aims to end HIV transmission by optimising PrEP in East Asia. For more details about HOPE network click

How detailed of the idea that I should describe?

We want to hear about how can your idea(s) be produced/delivered in Australia. The ingredients that we need to generate your solutions if that is applicable. We are open to all the idea(s). We accept from very short to full-page explanations as long as your submission is in one of these form: a maximum of 500 word description, a 3 minute audio or video or an A1 poster. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email (

How to prepare my submission?


  • Idea(s) can be described in one of these languages: English, Chinese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi, Punjabi, Vietnamese, or Filipino/Tagalog.
  • Idea(s) can be submitted in text, audio, video, or poster format.d
  • Please use our submission form (click)


A maximum of 500-word
describing your idea(s)

An A1 poster
describing your idea(s)

A 3-minute video file

A 3-minute audio file

Where do I submit my idea(s)?


  • Fill out the submission form (click here) by 11.59 pm AEST on July 31, 2022
  • There is no limit on the number of ideas you can submit
  • Team submissions are welcome, but only one team member can submit.

Contest submissions will be judged by a panel of HIV clinicians and researchers, and community members with experience in providing PrEP. The finalists will be announced in September

Is there any example of submissions?

We cannot provide an example of the answer for the submission, but you can see the submission form which can guide you about your submission

What is PrEP?

You can find more information about PrEP here

What is a crowdsourcing open call?

You can learn about crowdsourcing open call here

What is the deadline for submitting my idea?

The deadline to submit your idea(s) is 11.59 pm on July 31, 2022.

What is the resolution of the video

There is no specific requirement for your video resolution as long as we can understand what you are explaining

Is there a limit to how many entries I can submit?

There is no limit on the number of ideas you can submit

What are the evaluation criteria for submissions?


  • Clarity of the idea: the submission is well-organised, clearly presented and effectively communicates a solution to the open call topic.
  • Feasibility to implement: the submission would be easy to implement in the local community and would be widely acceptable.
  • Innovation/creativity: the submission is unique and represents a new idea that hasn’t been implemented before.
  • Meaningful impact: the submission has high potential to increase awareness and uptake of PrEP among newly-arrived Asian-born MSM in Australia.

Who are the judges?

Contest submissions will be judged by a panel of HIV clinicians and researchers, and community members with experience in providing PrEP. The finalists will be announced in September

What is the prize and how are the prizes allocated?

AU$500 (1st prize)

AU$250 (2nd prize)

AU$125 (3rd and 4th prize)

If your idea is selected, you will:

  • Have an opportunity to work with us to build the solution package to use in the community.
  • Have your idea(s) published on the website of our research partners
  • Have your idea(s) implemented to end HIV transmission in Australia

When will I know the result?

Finalists’ ideas will be announced in September 2022

How will I be contacted if my idea(s) is selected?

We will notify you about the open call results using the email you provide.


Research team

Dr Jason Ong Eric Chow Lei Zhang David Lee Warittha Tieosapjaroen
Associate professor at Monash University & Sexual Health Physician at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Associate professor at Monash University Associate professor at Monash University Nurse Practitioner PhD candidate at Monash University & research assistant at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

Steering committee

Ben Bavinton Andrew Grulich Adam Hynes Suzanne Day Heather-Marie Ann Schmidt
Research Fellow, Kirby Institute, UNSW, Sydney Head at HIV Epidemiology and Prevention, Kirby Institute, UNSW Manager, Thorne Harbour Health Research Assistant Professor, UNC, Chapel Hill Regional advisor at UNAIDS

Organising committee

Justin Xiao Cedric Tin-Cheng Limin Mao James Seow Robert Muscolino
Manager – ACON Manager – ANTRA Associate professor at  the Centre for Social Research in Health Manager – Thorne Harbour Health Health Promotion Officer at Queensland AIDS Council


Jimmy Chen Yang Zhao Budiadi Sudarto James Tapa Maxi Xie
Manager – NAPWHA PhD Candidate (Anthropology) at School of Social Science

The University of Queensland

Research assistant at MSHC Research Assistant at MSHC Project assistant – ANTRA
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